These YL products have found their way into every room of our house!

Also these welcome products are very congenial, companionable and create coziness :)   

The diffuser spreads blissful smells all throughout the house from the hallway!

The Diffuser (the pyramid) is in our hallway so the Essential Oils 
reach  all throughout  the house.  We set on a timer and like to diffuse at night so we get a longer time to enjoy the oils.  Also a great feature is that when you use the diffuser everyone in your 
house gets to benefit even your pets.


In our laundry room on the shelf is our Thieves cleaner -
 l capful/load plus oils to put on the laundry ball.
 (Find your favorite oils to use)


In the kitchen cupboard are the supplements, Ningxia Red 
packs and more essential oils!


Our display wall of essential oils... this is my mom
who has recently passed.  In the 28 years we have been wearing oils, I believe there was very few days that she wasn't.  Also I feel the essential oils helped make mom's passing peaceful.     


In the bathroom, the basket holds my Savvy Mineral makeup 
products and in the cabinets are our personal care products like shampoo, conditioner, facial cleaners and moisturizers, toothpaste, mouthwash and all the essentials - all toxin free.

Beside the bed are the essential oils that we put on before sleep and those we put on upon waking, plus Thieves spray if our throat feels just a tiny bit sore (much better to address any problems at the very beginning)

Beside my computer is always a choice of essential oils that I wear daily. As this is so handy, the oils get used more.  Also my lip balm is there when needed several times a day!

We are so happy that these oils and products are a part of our sustainable lifestyle bringing us health and abundance every day!


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